A cookhouse of a 5th Australian Division unit, named ‘The Vaulx Arms Hotel’, during the attacks on Bullecourt by the Australian troops, May 1917. Image courtesy Australian War Memorial.
- Day 1020 of the war
- Alfred John Dooley, a labourer from Spring Hill, is killed in action in the Second Battle of Bullecourt
- British troops on the Western Front establish themselves in Roeux, and progress on Greenland Hill
- French forces repulse heavy German attacks north of Reims and in Maisons de Champagne
- Commandant of Petrograd, Lavr Georgiyevich Kornilov, and General Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov, Minister of Marine and War, resign. Kornilov’s determination to restore discipline in the disintegrating Russian Army and his proposal to suppress Bolshevik agitation with forces lead to his downfall.
- Russian detachments in Mesopotamia retreat across the Diala river towards Kifri