St George and the Dragon: Zeppelin L-15 in the Thames by Donald Maxwell. Image courtesy Imperial War Museum © IWM, Art. IWM ART 888.
- Seven German Navy Zeppelins raid the east coast of England in an attempt to bomb London. 48 people are killed and 64 injured. Two of the zeppelins turn back with engine trouble; L-15 is brought down by gunfire and ditches into the sea near Margate. One crewmember drowns; the rest are taken prisoner of war. London Air Raid Part 1 London Air Raid Part 2
- German forces capture Malancourt in the Battle of Verdun. After almost six weeks of fighting French casualties number 89,000; German casualties exceed 81,600
- Russian forces defeat the Turks at Kara Malachkan in Armenia
- The Leader publishes The Call by Neville Bosworth
No signal wakes the sleeping coast,
No bonfires blaze in vain;
The printed word unsheathes the sword
And calls to arms again.Where forests clothe the silent hills,
And ferns adorn the stream,
Where red dust hides the distant plain,
And rustics idly dream;In hamlets off the beaten track,
Where news is seldom heard;
In many a bush-encircled home,
They pass the thrilling word.”To arms!” the cry that oft has stirred,
The kindling zeal of men.
It lingers in the sultry vale,
And haunts the lonely glen.“To arms!” the Empire calls for men
Of fine heroic mould.
Whose stalwart arms may wield the sword
Their fathers held of old.