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16 April 1915

By April 16, 2015November 25th, 2015No Comments
  • Bernard Patrick Dawson enlists. Bernard is commemorated on the Centenary of WWI in Orange Honour Roll; he would be killed in action at Gallipoli on 6 August 1915.
  • The Leader reports that the local branch of the NSW Rugby League moves to create a fund to assist local footballers who had volunteered for overseas service. Fund for Fighting Footballers
  • General Michael Joseph Tighe succeeds Major-General Richard Wapshare as commander of the British Forces in East Africa
  • The 13th Gloucestershire Regiment receives the following note with their Battalion orders:

Having regard to the example which has been set us by His Majesty the King, the Army, and the whole nation generally, restricting the consumption of alcoholic drinks during the period of the War, every man in the Battalion is expected to use the utmost restraint to guard against over-indulgence.

What is the finest death to die,
And the fairest end to make?
To fall as your country’s foemen fly,
And to die for Freedom’s sake!
To die with the young, the strong, the brave,
A flush on your eager soul,
Your body borne to a hero’s grave,
And your name on Honor’s Roll!

Lead us into battle, shining overhead,
Youngest of the angels, bravest of the dead!
Lead us in your beauty, lead us in your youth,
Lead the ranks of Freedom, lead the hosts of Truth;
Go, before our armies, burn above our strife.
Stars in England’s Heaven, heirs of endless life!

Mother, why do you weep so long?
O father, why do you sigh?
Louder in Heav’n is the angels’ song
As the hero souls go by!
Up, brothers, up! and strike again
Till you break the tyrant’s rod —
The hero lives in the hearts of men.
And his soul is glad with God!

Lead us into battle, shining overhead,
Youngest of the angels, bravest of the dead!
Lead us in your beauty, lead us in your youth,
Lead the ranks of Freedom, lead the hosts of Truth;
Go before our armies, burn above our strife,
Stars in England’s Heaven, heirs of endless life!