General Allenby’s formal entry on foot to Jerusalem, 11 December 1917. The leading figure is that of Borton Pacha, the British Military Governor of the Town, followed by his two Aides-de-Camp. Further behind, from left to right: Colonel de Piepape, Commanding the French Detachment, General Allenby, whose head is visible between the shoulders of the officers preceding him, and Lieutenant Colonel D’Agostino, Commanding the Italian Detachment. Image courtesy Imperial War Museum © IWM (Q 12616).
- General Sir Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby enters Jerusalem
- Mrs Moon of William Street East Orange, is notified that her son, Herbert has been admitted to hospital in Birmingham with a severe gunshot wound to the head. Sapper Moon Wounded
- The battle cruiser HMAS Australia is damaged in a collision with HMS Repulse