The road leading to Guillemont, Ernest Brooks, 10 September 1916. Image courtesy Imperial War Museum © IWM (Q 1162).
- British troops continue their advance east of Guillemont and Ginchy on the Somme
- The Austrian front withdraws west of the Valley of Gyergyo and Czik in the Carpathian Mountains on the Eastern Front
- British Minister for War, David Lloyd George, visits Verdun. He delivers a stirring speech at an official dinner with Governor of Verdun, General Dubois, declaring:
The memory of the victorious resistance of Verdun will be immortal because Verdun saved, not only France, but the whole of the great cause which is common to ourselves and humanity. The evil-working force of the enemy has broken itself against the heights around this old citadel as an angry sea breaks upon a granite rook. These heights have conquered the storm which threatened the world. I am deeply moved when I tread this sacred soil, and I do not speak for myself alone. I bring to you a tribute of the admiration of my country, of the great Empire which I represent here. They bow with me before your sacrifice and before your glory. Once again, for the defence of the great causes with which its very future is bound up, mankind turns to France.